Data is a Strategic Asset
Rubra's performance analysis & information services platform
places data at the heart of your business model
Advisory and Information ServicesSocial Care
Our Data Centric PerspectivePerformance, Risk & Information
Care providers operate in a challenging risk environment, with business models becoming increasingly complex and information dependent. Yet the social care sector as a whole remains data rich, information poor.
In the Rubra framework, we place data at the heart of the business model. We apply advanced data science and web services technologies to analyse all available datasets for meaning, identifying and tracking key performance and risk drivers.
With our innovative metrics and analysis tools, designed to unravel the nuances of the care sector, we can answer the most sophisticated questions relating to performance and risks of operating models.
Our tools and services capture all data resolutions, from the top-level portfolio down to the discrete events affecting an individual service user, delivering the key information for evidence based decision making.
On demand reporting integrates key performance and risk metrics into daily operating processes, empowering collaboration across organisations, providing the foundation for an effective data culture and information driven business models.
A common dataset between stakeholders enhances communications and provides the basis for effective resource coordination; a prerequisite for multi-agent service model innovation.
Map of CareWeb Services Platform
The Map of Care secure web services platform provides access to our advanced suite of data analysis and reporting tools, without the large resource cost of in house provision.
Care providers collect and warehouse large amounts of operating data in the normal course of their business. The data is often messy, sparse and difficult to understand.
We collect, clean and analyse all accessible data, down to the event level of individual service users, extracting a wide range of powerful custom metrics relating to the stability and quality of operating regimes.
Explore complex and abstract processes with custom interactive dashboard visualisations and reports. Track operating performance and risk metrics with at a single asset or portfolio level, by key factors.
Deliver the right information where it is required, on demand. Select the required level of detail and complexity, from simple snapshots to in depth statistical analysis.
The platform's in depth analysis and on demand reporting tools provide a simple and flexible framework enabling operational transparency and risk control, creating the information basis for informed service optimisation and the development of a wide range of new care propositions.
Data AnalysisPlatform Benefits
Data is a language, so change the conversation. The capability to efficiently evidence performance and exchange information drives innovation. Effective communication can transform cultures across service provider organisations and between key stakeholders.
Rubra FrameworkUser Benefits
Our in depth platform analytics and metrics offers service providers new perspectives on their operating processes and care propositions.
Powerful data science tools, free of the high internal resource requirements, transforms management operating tools.
Quantify and inform. Collect valuable data and deliver key information to where it matters, when its needed; empower staff to build better operating processes.
Develop service user relationships and consumer focussed care propositions. Analyse population profiles and behaviours to establish expectations around care pathways and outcomes.
Evidence based stakeholder communications can tranform relationships with commissioners and investors into partnerships.
The investment and operating risks of the care sector are significant, but often hidden. Investors require in depth information, but that is rarely available.
We capture, analyse and integrate every available operational event, presenting a full spectrum of information options.
Investors can integrate cost effective analysis resources to build powerful and efficient investment processes that reach deep into the business model.
Evaluate opportunities quickly and efficiently. We provide immediate access to event level analysis of entire operating histories for business model evaluation and due diligence.
Active risk management. Continuosly monitor the evolution of underlying operational value drivers and risk regimes at single asset, portfolio and population level.
Commissioners seek quality, value and service user support. The Rubra framework transforms these conceptual targets into testable deliverables.
A minimum common dataset between operators and commissioners creates a range of innovation opportunities.
Service provider performance monitoring improves quality, service user outcomes and resource utilisation, through intelligent inspections.
Data exchange and coordination of resources support effective integrated care strategies, such as activity based total system costs.
Data driven performance monitoring provide the basis for transparent and effective outcome based commissioning strategies.